To Keep you informed in these ‘up in the air’ times, here is a note from your HLR (Honouree Local Reprehensive) regarding Autumn/Winter ’20 exams.
Dear Student,
I am glad to be able to give you a little information about how the exams for Session C 2020 are coming along.
In theses difficult times of Covid everything is work in progress and of course could be cancelled at any time.
However, at present, practical exams will be held in St. Pauls Church, New Town Street as previously.
The dates will be over weeks commencing 9th,16th and 23rd November, any day but Wednesdays.
Online booking will be from 21.9.20 to 4.10.20. The new process is the applicant (your tutor) can go online and choose which day you would like but not the time on that day. A bit like when you book an airline place. Obviously slots will fill so it is a good idea to sign on as soon as possible if you have limited times that you want.
The venue will be Covid safe and special measures will be put in place to keep you safe. Relatives will not be allowed to wait in the building so will need to stay in their car or find somewhere else to stay.
Masks will be worn by all staff. and the piano keys sanitised between each candidate.
We are hoping to perhaps make arrangements with a nearby pub for people to wait.
We will endeavour to keep you updated of any changes and instructions. Doog